Professional Background

Psychology of Mind, Body, and Spirit

I’m here to help you. I have studied most of the major psychotherapies, since I have found that each one may have more effectiveness in dealing with different problem areas. After finishing graduate school for a PhD in psychology, I left Boston to do postdoctoral training in psychoanalysis in New York City. I continued to study most of the major psychotherapies to determine which approaches are helpful for different problem areas. For years, I have taught training seminars widely across the United States and in foreign countries teaching the value of, and methods of, integrating the various psychotherapies together.

Developmental experiences

I have found that a combination of psychoanalysis, cognitive behavior therapy, hypnosis, Gestalt therapy, the new and most effective trauma treatment methods (EMDR, TFT, EFT and my adaption of it called EFTA), as well as forms of meditation and breath work, are also most helpful in helping people to free themselves of traumas, negative beliefs, negative thought patterns, negative programming from the past and even early childhood, blocks to success, and to greatly reduce stress in their lives.

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    All of these help to heal relationship problems, as well as work problems. And they also help to heal anxiety, depression, worry, and many illnesses, as you will see in the description of my recent book below (Your Power To Heal), since much research has shown that stress contributes to a great majority of physical symptoms.

Thoughts are acts of creation

At Boston University while in graduate school, I was very fortunate to have had Victor Frankl, author of Man’s Search For Meaning, as a visiting professor. He had spent three years in a Nazi concentration camp. He taught us how powerful peoples’ thoughts were in protecting them from the camp guards, and even saved many peoples’ lives. I learned how important and powerful all our thoughts are in our lives.

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    Later, my life and my professional career were also deeply affected by esteemed physicist David Bohm, from the University of London, who taught a seminar in New York City where I learned about the “new” physics. A quote from him has stayed with me since: “Thought creates the world, and then it says, I didn’t do it.” This reinforced to me not only how powerful our thoughts are in our lives, but also how much we all disown the power of our thoughts.

Quantum physics and the unified field

Both Victor Frankl and David Bohm inspired me to look more fervently at quantum physics the ancient wisdom in various spiritual systems around the world, and how much of the wisdom of these ancient sources is getting verified now by the new physics.

I love helping people find ways to free themselves of their painful past, and to install new ways to create a new life where they can feel empowered instead of powerless, loving instead of afraid, successful instead of failing, healthy instead of sick, fulfilled instead of deprived.

We change when we are challenged

I began to see other therapists at the same time who worked in different modalities, and found that different ones helped me in those areas more significantly than just the psychoanalysis alone. Most psychoanalysts at that time would have said that if I continued to see the other therapists, they would not continue to see me. But my psychoanalyst just wove into our work the work I was doing with other therapists in different forms of therapy.

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    This deepened the success and helped me to work through my various problem areas, which was not happening just in psychoanalysis. This inspired me to keep learning about other psychotherapies as well as psychoanalysis, and is what inspired me to start another training institute in New York, the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, now another leading postgraduate training institute in New York.

Mind, Body, Spirit Psychology

Anxiety, depression, phobias

A sensitive approach combined with pro-active energy psychology methods, bring my clients immediate relief from emotional suffering.

Relationship struggles

Breakthrough counseling techniques show you how to look at your relationships from an entirely different perspective.

Work challenges

By getting to the root of our relationship problems, which stem from our thoughts and beliefs, we can feel empowered instead of feeling powerless.

Personal growth and development

We  identify and change the inner voices that keep us feeling powerless, and then we can go beyond treating just symptoms or relying on doctors to fix us.

Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind

“Dr. Grayson is a master in helping anyone overcome their hidden barriers to health and vitality. If you aspire to the upper echelons of health, yet are unable to realize them, his practical books and videos are a great resources for you.“

— Larry Dossey, MD —

Author of Healing Words, The Power of Premonition,
Reinventing Medicine

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